# Validatieservice #
## Usage ##
Start the docker image normally (e.g., using ``docker run -itp 8080:8080 registry.istandaarden.nl/modules/dvs`` or ``docker run -itp 8080:8080 registry.istandaarden.nl/modules/dvs:1.0.0``); on start-up, the image retrieves updates from the update server. Updates are subsequently fetched daily at 03:00. If updates cannot be fetched, the image will run with its own built-in XSLTs.
All requests **must** include a ``Content-Type`` header with value ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` and a correct ``Content-Length`` header.
### Health check ###
Endpoint: ``<host>:8080/status``
Method: ``GET``
curl localhost:8080/status
### Validate message ###
Endpoint: ``<host>:8080/validatie``
Method: ``POST``
curl -X POST --data-binary @bericht.xml localhost:8080/validatie
### Generate retourbericht ###
Endpoint: ``<host>:8080/retour``
Method: ``POST``
curl -X POST --data-binary @heenbericht.xml localhost:8080/retour
### Error codes ###
| Code | Reason |
| ------ | ------ |
| 200 | Message technically good, see response for any functional errors |
| 404 | Invalid request; request with wrong method to to wrong endpoint |
| 406 | Invalid request; message does not match any schema (unsupported type or technically invalid messsage) |
| 411 | Invalid request; must specify a Content-Length header |
| 415 | Invalid request; must use Content-Type exactly ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` (with no additional data like charset, etc.) |
| 500 | Something went wrong in the server | |