... | ... | @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Start the docker image normally (e.g., using ``docker run -itp 8080:8080 registr |
All requests **must** include a ``Content-Type`` header with value ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` and a correct ``Content-Length`` header.
__Fron version 1.1:__ Calls support a ``X-Version-Override`` header which allows overriding the patch level of the standard. If no such override, the default patch is used (corresponding to the validation date, not the dagtekening). If the requested patch level is not/no longer supported an error code 400 is returned. Note that automatic updates may introduce/remove patch levels, so clients should have a meaningful fallback for unsupported patch levels.
### Health check ###
Endpoint: ``<host>:8080/status``
... | ... | @@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ curl -X POST --data-binary @heenbericht.xml localhost:8080/retour |
| Code | Reason |
| ------ | ------ |
| 200 | Message technically good, see response for any functional errors |
| 400 | Invalid request; user requested a stadnard override that is not/no longer available for the provided message |
| 404 | Invalid request; request with wrong method to to wrong endpoint |
| 406 | Invalid request; message does not match any schema (unsupported type or technically invalid messsage) |
| 411 | Invalid request; must specify a Content-Length header |
... | ... | |